The Recent Resurgence Of Rosé Wine

Article published Sep 05, 2017

No longer is rosé perceived as a poor relation to the more sophisticated reds and whites, but is instead becoming the fastest growing wine category.

In the past, rosé wines have not experienced great popularity. Traditionally, they have been over-sweet, often used as a cheap, introductory wine, before wine drinkers develop more sophisticated tastes and move onto more acidic, drier grapes.

However, in recent years there has been a resurgence of rosé, with new varieties being developed and an increasing variety appearing at wine merchants and on restaurant menus.


Why the popularity increase?

It was among younger drinkers that rosé wine first increased its popularity. Keen to drink something different from their parents, the millennials embraced the possibilities of rosé. Forming funky hashtags such as #roséallday and looking attractive in Instagram pictures, social media helped to fuel the boom in rosé wines. With celebrity endorsements, rosé was imported in increasing quantities from many wine growing regions, but particularly Provence in France.

However, it would be a mistake to only credit the younger generation with this surge in popularity. Experienced drinkers are often adventurous in their tastes, and are always keen to discover new wines. With winemakers creating new variations of rosé wine, for many drinkers this is an exciting new wine variety to discover.

The advantages of rosé wine

The refreshing nature of the drink and the attractive colour lends itself perfectly to long summer days and warm evenings. When rosé first appeared to be in vogue, it was almost exclusively as a summer drink. However, this too is changing. One of the key advantages of rosé is its versatility as also serves as a good accompaniment to most foods, as well as being a great aperitif drink. From light meals and alfresco dining, to pairing rosé with specific dishes in the most elaborate of dinners,  rosé wine can fit the bill.

Even good quality rosé wines are relatively inexpensive and quick to produce. The affordable nature of Britains fastest growing wine catagory means it can be easily served on everyday occasions, but is of a high enough quality for occasions too. The increase in the availability of sparkling rosé wines allows this drink to be served in place of traditional white fizz, at the most elaborate of celebrations.

50 shades of rosé

Rosé wine is enjoying a surge in popularity, with new varieties becoming available on shop shelves and from online retailers. For those new to rosé, the wide variation in the shades of pink can be bewildering, ranging as they do from very pale pink through to shades which are almost orange, as well as a deep rose colour.

There can be a tendency to assume that the deeper shades have a more complex flavour, but this is not the case. A very pale rosé may well have a rich, fruity flavour, while a deeper one can be more delicate. Nor does the colour reflect how sweet the wine is. Any rosé wine can be sweet if all the sugar has not been fermented into the alcohol, but for the most part, popular rosés tend to be of a drier style and mostly lighter in colour.


Grapes grown in cooler temperatures tend to result in paler rosé wines, and many good rosés can be found from cooler wine growing regions, such as the Loire region of France. However, warmer regions such as Provence also produce pale rosés by harvesting the grapes at night and maintaining a low temperature at all stages of production. You can browse rose wine types by grape, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Pinot Grigio and plenty more to satisy various taste buds!

Choosing a good rosé

While there are always wonderful new wines to discover, branching into a whole new catagory such as rosé is particularly exciting for wine enthusiasts. It still remains a relative niche, but discovering delectable new rosé wines is certain to be particularly rewarding, and we urge you to try our selection.



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